Research Overview

RAIL’s research focus is in the development and validation of machine learning applications for medical image classification and analysis. Centered in Radiology, we collaborate with clinicians and researchers from other specialties, such as:

  • Ophthalmology

  • Neurosurgery

  • Orthopaedic Surgery

  • Malone Center engineers and computer scientists

Projects and Collaborations

fMRI Hierarchical Labeling for Brain Tumors

Dr Haris Sair (Chief Neuroradiology), Dr Craig Jones (WSE)

Student: Sejal Ghate (BME MSc)

Sequential Learning and Efficient Expert Radiologist Data Labeling

Dr Haris Sair (Chief Neuroradiology), Dr Craig Jones (WSE)

Student: Sohaib Naim (BME MSc)

Vascular Malformations and Federated Learning

Dr Craig Jones (WSE)

Collaborator: Dr Cliff Weiss (Interventional Radiology)

Khalil A, Laguna A, Gowda P, Gong A, Garg T, Weinstein R, Hamam O, Ring N, England R, Jones C, Weiss C. “MRI Radiomics Correlate with Clinical Outcomes of Peripheral Venous Malformations Following Percutaneous Sclerotherapy”. 2022 Society of Advanced Body Imaging (SABI) Annual Scientific Meeting.

R Duan, A Kim, A Khalil, C Weiss, C Jones, ” Fully Automated Segmentation of Venous Malformations in Multiple Body Regions Based on a Large-Scale Magnetic Resonance Imaging Dataset”, Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology, Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology, 35 (3), S198-S199, 2023.

Seafan Neovascularization in Sickle Cell Disease

Dr Craig Jones (WSE), Dr Adrienne Scott (Wilmer Eye Institute)

Neural Foraminal Assessment for NeuroSurgery

Dr Craig Jones (WSE), Dr Haris Sair (Neuroradiology), Daniel Lubelski (Neurosurgery)

Cerebral Vasculature Tortuosity

Dr Craig Jones (WSE), Dr Vivek Yedavalli (Neuroradiology)

Student: Katharine Lee (Math Undergrad)

Neural Network Segmentation Uncertainty Quantification

Dr Craig Jones (WSE), Dr Haris Sair (Neuroradiology), Dr Brian Caffo (SPH)

Jones CK, Wang G, Yedavalli V, Sair H. “Quantifying Epistemic and Aleatoric Uncertainty in 3D U-Net Segmentation”. Journal of Medical Imaging 9(3), 034002, 2022. (

Duan R, Caffo B, Bai H, Sair HI, Jones CK. “Evidential Uncertainty Quantification: A Variance-Based Perspective.” Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, 2024.

Capstone Projects, Thesis Projects, Prior Work

fMRI Hierarchical Labeling for Brain Tumors

Dr Haris Sair (Chief Neuroradiology), Dr Craig Jones (WSE)

Student: Sejal Ghate (BME MSc)

Sequential Learning and Efficient Expert Radiologist Data Labeling

Dr Haris Sair (Chief Neuroradiology), Dr Craig Jones (WSE)

Student: Sohaib Naim (BME MSc)

Seafan Neovascularization in Sickle Cell Disease

Dr Craig Jones (WSE)

Collaborator: Dr Adrienne Scott (Wilmer Eye Institute)

Funding Support

  • Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)

  • Johns Hopkins Clinical Research Network

  • American Society of Neuroradiology

  • Johns Hopkins Discovery Award

  • Chinese American Medical Society

  • Association of Korean-American Medical Graduates